Detroit Zoo Wayfinding

Zoos can often be challenging to navigate, lacking clear paths or well-marked signage that leaves visitors wondering if they are heading in the right direction. Recognizing this challenge, the Detroit Zoo aimed to enhance their wayfinding system to help guests navigate the expansive park more effectively. The goal was to ensure that visitors could easily explore the diverse and captivating array of animals and exhibits that the zoo has to offer.


While the Detroit Zoo holds a special place in the hearts of the Metro-Detroit community, the existing signage and map used within the park are outdated and challenging to navigate. Visitors often find it difficult to pinpoint their exact location in the park, and the pathway guiding them around the facility lacks clear markings. Recognizing these challenges, there is a need for an updated and user-friendly wayfinding system to enhance the overall experience for visitors.

Information Design


Semiotic Design

The revamped wayfinding initiative for the park aims to update the map, introduce new collateral for guests to use during navigation, implement directional signage for zoo exhibits to help guests position themselves directionally within the park, and introduce trail markers for the main pathway. These improvements are designed to enhance the overall guest experience, making it easier for visitors to navigate the park, explore exhibits, and follow a designated route through the zoo.

Solution Finding

Design Thinking

As part of the wayfinding renewal, the colors of all collateral will be refreshed to align more closely with the zoo's mission of creating a fun and educational environment for both children and adults. The design of the brochure and directional signage prioritizes clarity and ease of use, ensuring that guests can easily follow and understand the provided information. By updating the wayfinding system, the aim is to create a smoother and more seamless experience for visitors, allowing them to navigate the Detroit Zoo with ease and enjoyment.